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The all new era for the seekers of thrill and suspense novel is here

The all new author of English novel's. Mr. A flashes light on the suspense thriller, he worked accomplished his book called "OverFlow-One" is been released into the Amazon kindle and available to buy paperback.

The given data by the author 'A':

Nothing is important than family- but when it comes to the meaning of life, it portrays to nothing. Ash is the CEO of the world's leading cyber security company. Father of Ash holds his second son Lorentz in the hidden pot. When Lorentz knew that his father was been drifted to death, he pays attention to his responsibilities. Lorentz start to work in a organization called IIS (INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SECURITY) to aim the person who caused the conduct of his father's death. One mission called "Bennett" leads the path to death of his father, When Lorentz realizes, his very own brother Ash is in danger... The following story is based on the 21st centaury.

  • Available in multiple countries in paperback format and to the world in the form of Kindle...

Link for "OverFlow-One":

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